1.Ustad-Ul-Fuqaha Wal Mujtahiddeen Ayatullah Al Uzma Muhammad Hussain Al Gharvi An Na'eni, former chancellor Hoza-e-Ilmiya, Najaf-e-Ashraf, Iraq | |
People of Basra asked Ustaad ul Fuqaha Ayatullah Al Uzma Muhammad Hussain Na'ini many questions about Sha'a'ir-e-Azadari. The most important question of those was concerning zanjeer zani and quma zani. Ayatullah Na'ini first explained the greatness and importance of Azadari in these words: "The coming out of Azadari processions on roads and paths in Ashra-e-Aashoor (ten days) and on other similar occasions is from among those amoor, in the legality of which there is no doubt. Rather this is the most evident source and most prominent inclination from among the mazahir of Azadari-e-Mazloom. It is the easiest way for the promotion of Imam Hussain's mission and Deen's completion." Afterwards he answered the query about Quma zani and zanjeer zani, which is as under: "(To commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S.) There is no ambiguity in slapping the face and beating the chest to this extent that they (face and chest) become red or black but also to perform zanjeer zani on the shoulders and back is legal. But if the blood appears or comes out due to slapping and beating, it's also lawful and right. As far as taking the blood out from forehead with swords etc is concerned, its legality is aqwa with the condition of being saved from harm and just to take the blood out from forehead with out causing harm to bone that is not harmful habitually. Because those who know how to use these (zanjeer, quma and sword) use it in such a manner which doesn't cause harm to the bone. If at the time of taking the blood out he is sure of being safe from harm and by chance gets harm then it will be like that person who performs ablution or takes bath instead of performing dry ablution (tayammam) for he thinks that water will not harmful for him or a person who keeps fast considering himself healthy and that keeping fast will not harm him, but afterwards water or fast appears to be harmful for him, this will not be Haraam. As a precautionary measure, only those perform it who could. And those, who being subdued with the love and grief of Ghareeb-e-Karbala could not know that where the zanjeer and sword is hitting, should avoid. May Allah give them firmness with qoal issaabit in this world and the hereafter." | |
2.Ayatullah Al Musleh Al Sheikh Muhammad Hussain Aal Kashif Ul Ghita | |
" The fatwa of Ayatullah Na'eni (Aalalahu maqamahu) is correct, insha Allah (God willing). By God Azadari is the gate of ample blessings of Allah and a liberating boat (kashti-e-najat), which protects from every destruction and trouble. Who is he and what sort of power is that, which could shut this open gate of Divine blessings and intercept this great mean which leads towards Allah" | |
3.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Mohsin Tabatabae Hakeem | |
"The matalib being written by Ustaad-e-buzurg (great teacher) are quite clear, very obvious and unambiguous to this extent that there is no need of any further fatwa (verdict) for these amoor". | |
4.Ayatullah Al Uzma Roohullah Khominie, Rahber-e-Inqalaab-e-Islami Iran | |
"life of nation lies in Azadari. Hazrat Imam Hussain(AS) granted salvation to Islam, and protected its eminence from being trampled by kissing martyrdom. So holding majalis-e-aza to commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)'s martyrdom is a source of everlastingness and immortality of Islam. Those who oppose these majalis, oppose Islam. They are totally unaware of Islam's reality. It is Azadari-e-Syed-ush- Shuhada (AS), which has given protection to Islam till today. Seena zani (beating chest), nohay, lamentation and cries are the very secrets of our success." | |
5.Ayatullah Al Uzma Haaj Syed Abul Qasim Moosavi Al Khoie | |
" Whatever Ustaad-e-muhtaram (respected teacher) has written in reply of questions being asked by him from the people of Basra is correct. And it is legal to act upon this. Performing azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) is a part & portion of His (AS) mission because declaring the zulm (oppression) of zalim (oppressor) and mazloomiyat of mazloom (oppressed) is exactly the Deen." | |
6.Ayatullah Al Uzma Gulpaigani | |
"Due to the blessings of Azadari, people get awareness of their rights. It is a source, by dint of which mission of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and the aim of Risaalat (prophet hood) is being revived. In fact Azadari is Deen (religion). The pure and sinless Aaimmah (AS) had said: "perform Azadari-e-Imam Hussain(AS) to stand against tyranny and despotism". This is Azadari which gave birth to the biggest revolutions, shaked the basis of palaces of tyranny of Umayyad rule, redressed the grievance of oppressed and rooted out the oppressor." | |
7.Ayatullah Al Uzma Mamqani | |
"These are the rites of Azadari, by virtue of which thousands of misled have become righteous." | |
8.Ayatullah Al Uzma Haaj Syed Mohammad Haadi Meelani | |
" Azadari and its rites only are the most important means of promotion and thrive ness of deen. Which one is that pen which could duly and properly write down the supremacy, praise, virtues and the effects of His (AS) qayaam? Khandaan-e-Ismat-o- Taharat is a divine sign from among the divine signs and Imam Hussain (AS) is the mazloom son of that mazloom father that no one is there to take their qisas but Allah." | |
9.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Abdullah Sherazi | |
" There is no ambiguity in the legality of sha'a'ir-e-Hussainia (seena zani, zanjeer zani, talwar zani, matam on fire) even khanjer zani is also legal. So if there is no danger of death due to these, then they are not only lawful but also inclined and superior. Rites of Azadari of Ahle-Bayt-e-Ismat-o-Taharat (AS) are from among the most important sha'air-e-deeniya (signs of deen) and are the excellent and most prominent deeds that will provide ground for more and more reward in Aakhira (the hereafter). These lead the whole Muslim nation in general and shia nation in particular towards the achievement of great success and creation of revolutions." | |
10.Ayatullah Al Haaj Syed Abdul Aala Sabzwari | |
" The respect, promotion and eternity of sha'air-e-Hussainiyat (Hussaini signs) is from among the most powerful and important means of liberation because Rites of Azadari are from sha'air Allah (signs of Allah)" | |
11.Ayatullah Syed Mirza Al Khurasaani Al Ha'eri | |
"Performing Azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS)----all of this is from the desired sources of nearness to Allah, a great success and eternal reward in this world and the hereafter, and whatever has been said or written against it, it is nothing but venom spitting of Ummayad and enmity of marvanis. Revival of sha'air's (signs) respect is the promotion of Islam, presevation of Islamic signs and manifestation of Islamic lights." | |
12.Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Jawad Tabatabai Tabrezi | |
When Ayatullah Jawad was asked about the legality of marasim-e-azadari (zanjeer zani, quma zani and talwar zani) he replied in these words:"It appears from the repetition of such type of issues and questions that enemies of Islam have got it that marasim-e-sogawari (mourning rites) of Hazrat Imam Hussain ibn-e-Abi Talib(AS), in what ever manner they are, are the more effective means for Islam's greatness, magnificence and protection. For that very reason enemies of Islam are making ambush and worrying and thinking to snatch this great dawat (invitation) from the people, and stop the everlasting promotion of sha'a'ir-e-Hussaini by creating baseless, absurd, silly and unreasonable doubts. Our buzurg Masha'ekh and Maraje were also asked these questions before us. So they have given quite clear fatawa (verdicts) for the legality of these amoor, which have been printed and published for several times and these fatawa give the message to understand the greatness of sha'a'ir-e-Hussain (AS). Me, also support and agree with them in these amoor". | |
13.Ayatullah Al Uzma Muhammad Bin Al Mehdi Hussaini Sherazi | |
" Azadari of Imam Hussain (AS) is the very base of our religion and we want to protect Islam through it. Azadari rites are the sources of salvation for weak and helpless people from tyrant rulers. In whatever manner, sha'air-e-Hussaini are, they are superior and source of sawaab (reward)" | |
14.Ayatullah Ali Al Hussain Al Asfahani Al Faani | |
"When to cause wounds on the body is absolutely not haraam then how the zanjeer zani on back would be haraam. Reports say that Fatimi holy ladies tore their garebaan to shreds and wounded their faces on the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS). We consider matam and sha'air-e- Hussainia the nearest means for nearness to Allah Almighty and reaching towards Rasool (peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny) and Aaimmah Huda (AS) because through it the mission of these sinless guides get revived. Thrive ness of divine message and promotion of Ahkaam-e-sharia is the fruit of performing Sha'air-e-Hussaini. It creates unity and harmony in the ranks. I consider these sha'a'ir a reply to istaghasa-e-Imam-e-Mazloom (AS)" | |
15.Ayatullah Al-Uzma Aqae Al Haaj Syed Muhammad Sadiq Roohaani | |
"There is no ambiguity in seena zani and slapping on the face to this extent that they (chest and face) turned red or black and even blood comes out, similarly there is also no doubt in performing zanjeer zani on the back. A hadith of Saadiq-e-Aale Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon them) goes: garments/collar (garebaan) should be tore to shreds and face should be slapped for a martyr like Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS). Those who are connected and related with shia community, all marasim-e-aza including seena zani and zanjeer zani etc are obligatory upon them. Believe me, the harp on the same tune that seena zani, zanjeer zani are not correct, is the preaching of ulema-e-soo and strangers who have sold themselves just for some coins. Azadari is an effective weapon against oppression. Azadari processions are a source from among the Hussaini sources and a gate from among the gates of Heaven (Jannat). Qayaam of Syed-ush-shuhada (AS) and His sacred sacrifices happened to be the source of religion's revival after its destruction. If it was not being done then there would be nothing remained of Islam but its name and of Quran but just a written thing." | |
16.Ayatullah Sheikh Muhammad Raza Tibsi Nahfi | |
"All marasim-e-aza are not only legal but also desirable and obligatory. For more details of this issue the fatwa of ayatullah Na'eni, given in response of questions of people of Basra, may be consulted, and which has been supported and confirmed by all of his pupils and contemporary scholars. All rites of azadari are religious signs (sha'a'ir), and to respect sha'a'ir Allah is a sign of piety of hearts." | |
17.Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Waheedi Tabrezi | |
" Khanjer zani, zanjeer zani and seena zani are legal if there is no certainty of death in these. A very famous report goes that Aqeela-e- Bani Hashim (AS) had wounded her forehead in azadari. This deed of Masooma (AS) removes all types of ambiguities. It should not be hidden that in praising Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), describing the factors of His Qayaam (coming out), lamenting over His (AS) sufferings, and in holding majalis such a great reward lies that the tongue and pen are unable to describe it. To respect the Azadari rites is a religious want and a source of reward. Weak and helpless of the world could be get freed by virtue of these azadari rites." | |
18.Ayatullah Al Uzma Sheikh Muhammad Hussain Gharvi Asfahani | |
" There is no proof for the unlawfulness of marasim-e-azadari that are in practice in azadari processions (it means performing marasim-e-azadari is legal) even there is also no evidence for the unlawfulness of zanjeer zani (it means it is also lawful) with this condition that it would not cause death. For example those who know how to use these, for them it is legal. All marasim-e-aza are legal rather they are rewarding. Why these Azadari rites would not be the source of reward, hence just Azadari-e-Mazloom-e-Karbala (AS) and its rites have been the only and only source of unity of the nation, propagation of religion and promotion of Kalma-e-Haq in the past, present and will be in future." | |
19.Ayatullah Hasan Qummi Tabatabae | |
"Majalis-e-Azadari are the only source which gathers the people on a platform and make them aware of religious teachings." | |
20.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Asad Ullah Moosavi Dazfoli | |
"Azadari rites cause honour, dignity and respect. They are national sign and from among those important Sha'a'ir, Aaimmah (AS) had again and again advised for. Mission-e-Masumeen (AS) is alive due to these azadari rites, and lesson of qayaam-e- haq against Baatil lies in it. In fact maraasim-e-aza (azadari rites) is Maktab-e- hle Bayt (AS)." | |
21.Ayatullah Aaqae Raza Madni Kashani | |
"The topmost objective of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) was the protection and prosperity of Islam. So performing Azadari is from among the most important wajibaat." | |
22.Ayatullah Hashim Aamli | |
"Azadari rites and description of sufferings of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) has an effective role and contribution in the existence of Islam in general, and of Mazhab-e-Haqqa Isna Ashari, in particular." | |
23.Ayatullah Sheikh Murtaza Mutahheri | |
"Azadari rites (majalis-e-aza, mourning, azadari processions, matam, zanjeer zani quma zani etc) are a basic movement and a collective Elaan-e-Jehad. A single tear being flown in commemoration of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)'s martyrdom, is also a Jehad (holy war)." | |
24.Ayatullah Al Uzma Al Sheikh Muhammad Ali Araki | |
"The most important result which is being obtained from Azadari is that: the listener feels that the blood which was caused to shed wrongfully, was the most sacred blood, and Ahle Bayte Ismat-o- Taharat (AS) were those holiest persons who were chained." | |
25.Ayatullah Syed Karamat Ullah Hussaini | |
"Enemies of Islam also are aware of the advantage of azadari rites: seena zani, zanjeer zani, processions and majalis-e-aza. For the development of an Elevated Goal, the elimination of Imperialism, the eradication of satanic powers and the establishment of Universal Islamic Rule, the protection of Azadari is very much necessary." | |
26.Ayatullah Al Uzma Aaqae Syed Shahab Ud Din Mar'ashi | |
"Qayaam of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is the Divine Qayaam. Ummat had crossed the limits of oppression and cruelties over Him (AS). So amoor-e-azadari (holding majalis, description of sufferings of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), beating chest, zanjeer zani, quma zani etc) should be performed as in the past. Rather to perform these amoor in the present day world is from among the zarooriyaat-e-deeniya and a source of enhancement in reward." | |
27.Ayatullah Syed Murtaza Pasandeeda Khomenie | |
"To observe the azadari days of Aaimmah-e-Ahle Bayt (AS) is compulsory and obligatory, and to leave them out is against the masaleh of ummah." | |
28.Ayatullah Syed Kazim Mar'ashi | |
" Whatever has been said by Ustaad mohaqqiq (research scholar) Ayatullah Na'eni about different forms of Azadari in connection with Azadari-e- Mazloom-e-Karbala (AS) in marasim-e-aza is certainly and extremely correct. Arrangements of azadari rites, which is a source of success and blessings in this world and the hereafter is obligatory." | |
29.Ayatullah Sheikh Ali Ghazi Shahroodi | |
"Azadari-e-Ghareeb-e-Karbala (AS) is a worship from among the divine worships. Munkar of azadari and its rites is in fact a munkar of zaroorat-e-mazhabi (religious necessity)." | |
30.Ayatullah Murtaza Askari | |
"To perform marasim-e-aza is a source of sawab (reward) and all rites of azadari are the promotion of sha'a'ir-e-deeniya (religious signs)." | |
31.Ayatullah Syed Taqi Tabatabai Qummi | |
" All Ahle Emaan-o-Walayat should have knowledge that the azadari of Ghareeb-e-Karbala (AS) and other Ahle Bayt-e-Ismat (AS) with all its forms and marasim: majalis, noha khoani, seena zani, zanjeer zani, and talwar zani is not only legal but also a source of reward. By virtue of performing azadari, reward and Allah's pleasure is being achieved. Azadari rites are sha'a'ir-e-deeniya and Maktab-e-Syed-Ul-Mursaleen (peace of Allah be upon Him and His Aal)." | |
32.Ayatullah Syed Mehdi Mar'ashi | |
"Azadari of Syed-e-Konain (lord of two worlds) is a kind of angelic lights. It has been, and will remain a source of integrity of shia school of thought, development of deen-e-mubeen, promotion of commands of Khatim ul Anbia(peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny), propagation of mazhab-e-jafariya in the Islamic world, establishment of justice and equity, opposition of tyranny and oppression, and annihilation of oppressor." | |
33.Ayatullah Nasir Makaram Sherazi | |
"Azadari of pashwa'e Hurriyyat (guide of freedom), Salaar-e-Qafla (leader of the caravan), Talib-e-Shahadat (desirous of martyrdom) Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions who sacrificed each and every thing in the battle of Haq and Baatil in Karbala and preferred the red death of martyrdom than the black and dark life of disgrace, is a duty from among the duties of muslim ummah." | |
34.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Muhammad Raza Barojurdi | |
"Whatever has been written by Ayatullah Na'eni in connection with Azadari and marasim-e-Azadri is Haq (right) and correct. Ahle Emaan should take every practical step in this connection. All kinds of Azadari are a source of development of sacred deen Islam; even such Quma Zani is also legal which doesn't cause harm. The people who do not give importance to Azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) and Ahle bayt (AS), their Emaan (faith/belief) is declining". | |
35.Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Mehdi Moosavi Khalkhali | |
"Performing the rites of Azadari: to hold majalis-e-aza, perform seena zani, quma zani, and bring the processions out on the roads and feed the azadaars is the respect of sha'a'ir Allah and revival of Aaimmah Ahle Bayt (AS)'s sacred mission. To commemorate Aaimmah Ahle Bayt (AS) whether it is under the title of Azadari or lamentation, is the life of religion and hatred to oppression .The effects of majalis-e-aza in the existence of Islam are evident till today." | |
36.Ayatullah Aaqa'e Haaj Sheikh Jawad Tabrezi | |
"Azadari of Aal-e-Muhammad (progeny of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH&His Aal) is from among the mustahab aamal (desireable deeds). These are the best means to promote Islam and to give public, awareness with the facts and realities of Islamic history." | |
37.Ayatullah Syed Hassan Moosavi Khadmi Asfahani, Principal Hoza-e-Ilmiya, Asfahaan | |
"Azadari of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is the most important of sha'a'ir-e-deeniya. Wonderful reward has been promised for azadari because shahadat-e-Imam mazloom (AS) is a maktab-e-fikr and a lesson." | |
Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslemeen Syed Murtaza Feroze Abadi | |
"Marasim-e-aza like seena zani are being in practice since centuries in shi'aan-e-Ahle Bayt. All research and non-research scholars have termed these legal. Neither heard before nor would in future that ulema from shias have termed these marasim-e-azadari illegal or unlawful. Suppose if any one has opposed marasim-e-azadari because of his perversity in his faith (aqeeda). There number is as much rare as if they do not exist. Such number or such people do not possess any importance. Whoever raise a question or argue about istehbaab of azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) in the present day world, do it understand that there's something wrong with his deen, lineage and nobility or he has lost his head and gone mad. As far as zanjeer zani or talwar zani is concerned-----its legality is conditional. If there is no fear of death then it is definitely and certainly lawful. In this connection deed of Musafara-e-Shaam Hazrat Saani-e-Zahra, Zainab (AS) is from mutawateraat in which she wounded her forehead by hitting it on choob-e-mahmal (wood of camel's saddle) and the blood was flown out of her holy forehead. This deed of Masooma (AS) is an evident proof of legality of taking the blood out in azadari. With the mentioned conditions there exist no evidence for the unlawfulness of khanjer zani. If there appears a doubt, in this condition the original hukam will be of hilliyyat (legitimacy). As far as this argument is concerned that there is a doubt of death so it is haraam, this is absolutely irrelevant and baatil. That's why it has been said that this deed should be performed with out harm and fear of harm. And to take the blood out to this extent that face and head become coloured with it, is a source of reward rather a kind of marasim-e-aza." | |
38.Ayatullah Muhammad Fazil, Hoza-e- Ilmiya, Qumm | |
" All azadari rites are the protectors of sacred qayaam of Imam-e-Mazloom (AS). The first and last objective of Imam Hussain (AS)'s qayaam (coming out) was only the revival of Islam .as just as the foundation of Islamic revolution of Iran is under obligation to azadari rites, in the same manner the development and promotion of this revolution will be achieved through azadari and rites of azadari." | |
39.Ayatullah Jafer Subhani Tabrezi,Qumm Al Muqaddisa | |
"Azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) is one of those Islamic mustahabbat, which have been emphasized by our guides and leaders of religion. Rites of azadari are the protector of the goal of Imam-e-mazloom (AS), the goal which is the creator of revolutions." | |
40.Ayatullah Muhammad Karmi | |
"Marasim-e-Azadari, being performed in connection with the great sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), are sha'a'ir Allah and obligatory in every period and at every place. Publicizing the mazloomiyat-e- Imam (AS) to this extent that Arsh-e- Iqtadaar (throne) of disobedient and headstrong be shaked and trembled is extremely necessary." | |
41.Ayatullah Muslim Malkooti Saraabi | |
"Azadari of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) which is one of great sha'a'ir-e-mazhabia, has become a particular sign of Mazhab-e- Haqqa. It would not be improper and wrong to say that the existence of shia maslak without any change and modification up till now, and the protection of Usool and Faru, are under obligation to these Marasim-e-Aza (azadari rites) and Azadari-e-Ghareeb-e- Karbala (AS)." | |
42.Ayatullah Hussain Noori, Qumm Al Muqaddisa | |
"Azadari rites are commendable and praiseworthy rather a source of reward. It is necessary for the whole Muslim ummah not only to observe this bloody incident of Aashoor every year but refresh it every moment so that the weak and have nots of this Maktab-e-Fikr be embraced with the freedom of fikr-o-amal (thinking and deed)." | |
43.Ayatullah Murtaza Ha'eri Yazdi | |
"Lamentation over Ghareeb-e-Karbala (AS) is from zarooriyaat-e-mazhab (requisites of deen)." | |
44.Ayatullah Mustafa Etamaadi | |
"Azadari of Syed-ush-Shuhada (AS) is a true path and divine fountainhead of bounty. Its legality is quite clear, evident and unambiguous in any form and condition. Protection of this heavenly reality is obligatory." | |
45.Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Jaffery Tabrezi | |
"Azadari and Marasim-e-Azadari is a voice of expression of hearty feelings. Hussaini days have been the jhoomar (beauty) of history's forehead in the name of defending the honour of Islam." | |
46.Ayatullah Syed Mehdi Lajwardi | |
"Those who taunt Azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) are living in the heaven of fools. They are the enemies of deen and shariat and are wearing the tauq of curse of the true guides of Quran and Deen-e-Haq." | |
47.Ayatullah Mustafa Noori Ardbeli | |
"Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is a standard bearer of freedom of thought, rather a divine representative and from Ashaab-e-Kisa (peace of Allah be upon them), in respect of whom Aaya-e-Tatheer was revealed. Beams of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)'s qayaam are a lesson for whole Islamic world. Whole world should find out its way in the light of these beams and rays." | |
48.Ayatullah Abdullah Majeed Faqeehi Barojurdi | |
" To hold majalis, feed in masumeen's love, recite hymns, perform seena zani, zanjeer zani, wear black mourning dress, matam on fire, to take the blood out, all marasim-e-aza are from among the sha'a'ir Allah (signs of Allah). And to respect sha'a'ir Allah is piety." | |
49.Ayatullah Aaqae Sheikh Abu Talib Tajleel | |
"Azadari of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is the very foundation of shia school of thought as well as honour of sha'a'ir Allah. To hold majalis-e-aza and lament over His (AS)'s great sufferings reflects the love with The Holy Prophet (peace of Allah be upon Him& His Aal)." | |
50.Ayatullah Aaqae Haaj Syed Hussain Moosavi Karmaani | |
"All effectiveness of karbala is due to the name of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and it is Qayaam-e-Hussaini which gave life to deen. To hold majalis-e-aza and perform marasim- e-aza is the most important amar from among the amoor-e-deen." | |
51.Ayatullah Mohsin Haram Panahi, Qumm Al Muqaddisa | |
"Aza-e- (to mourn) Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is the respect of sha'a'ir (signs), the revival of deen and the promotion of shariat." | |
53.Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Ali Kazmaini Barojurdi | |
"Marasim-e-Aza (azadari rites) are not only mustahab (desirable) rather they are obligatory. Lamentation, performing zanjeer zani, seena zani and wearing black mourning dress-----the arguments of their legality not only exist but many proofs of their inclination are also there. Seerat-e-jariya of Ulema-e-Aalaam is an evidence of marasim-e-aza's istehbaab (being desireable). The most important evidence of legality of marasim-e-aza is the deed of Hazrat Zainab-e-Kubra (AS) who wounded her holy forehead and the blood came out of it". | |
54.Ayatullah Abbas Mahfoozi Gilani | |
"Majalis-e-Aza are the revival of Mission-e-Aal-e-Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon Them). These are the majalis which have been giving us protection since centuries." | |
55.Ayatullah al Uzma Syed Mirza Abdul Haadi Sherazi | |
"Whatever has been mentioned by Qaddas sarrahu, Ayatullah Na'eni are correct. God willing (insha Allah)" | |
56.Ayatullah al uzma Syed Mahmood Ash Shahroodi | |
"Whatever has been written by our buzurg Allama Na'eni (Qaddasallahu turbatahu Az zakia) in reply of Question, is Haq and confirmed to us." | |
57.Ayatullah Sheikh Muhammad Hussain Muzaffar | |
"Whatever Ayatullah Na'eni has written is certainly correct and He is Allah who grants Taufeeq (help)". | |
58.Ayatullah al Uzma Sheikh Muhammad Kazim Sherazi | |
"Fatwa (verdict) of Ayatullah Na'eni is right and accurate". | |
59.Ayatullah al Uzma Syed Jamal Ud Din Moosavi Gulpaygani | |
"Whatever Ayatullah Na'eni has written in this warqa is correct and according to our opinion". | |
60.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Hussain Hamami Moosavi | |
"The fatwa being given by our sheikh (chief) Ayatullah Na'eni is legally correct. God willing (Insha Allah)". | |
61.Ayatullah al Haaj Sheikh Yousaf Khurasani | |
"Ustad-Issanaad (authoritative teacher) has given excellent answer which is very strong and firm. His virtue is for Allah and He will reward him". | |
62.Ayatullah Syed Ali Madad Moosavi al Qa'eni | |
"Whatever has been written by ustaad il Aazam (greatest teacher) Ayatullah is certainly Haq and nobody will have doubt in it save suspicious". | |
63.Ayatullah Sheikh Yahya Noori, Tehran | |
"Fatwa (verdict) of ustaad ul Fuqaha wal Mujtahiddin Aaqae Na'eni in this connection (zanjeer zani and other marasim-e-Azadari) is most comprehensive and acceptable". | |
64.Ayatullah Sheikh Ahmed Sibte Sheikh Murtaza Ansaari | |
"Whatever has been mentioned in His (Ayatullah Na'eni) fatwa is reliable and dependable by virtue of fatwa (verdict)". | |
65.Ayatullah syed Yousaf Madani Tabrezi | |
"The reply of ustaad ul Asateen, sheikh ul Fuqaha al muta'aakhereen Ayatullah Na'eni, given to the people of Basra e.g. seena zani, Zanjeer Zani etc is correct and according to Shariat". | |
66.Ayatullah Syed Noor ud din Hussaini Milaani | |
"Fatawa (verdicts) of buzurg leaders, guides of deen-e-mubeen and the supporters of shariat-e-Muhammadiya and walayat of Aal-e-Athaar in general at Fatwaa of Ustaad ul Mujtaheddin, the great philosopher and the pillar of mazhab-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Ayatullah Na'eni is particular which is being presented with decisive arguments - there legality is admitted. me, personally remained present in Azadari and marasim-e-Azadari". | |
67.Ayatullah Sheikh Jafer Kashif ul Ghita | |
"There is no doubt in the legality of Seena Zani, Zanjeer Zani, taking the Azadari processions out on the public roads. Rather there is certainty in their being desirable (mustahab)". | |
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68.Hujjat Ul Islam Sheikh Abdur Rasool, Saheb al Jawahir | |
When Ayatullah Abdur Rasool was asked about the marasim of azadari, he replied in these words: " Every thing, which causes weeping and lamentation in Azadari-e-Imam Hussain (AS) in all its forms are inclined and superior if these doesn't cause death". | |
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69.Ayatullah Sheikh Mohammad Ali Seebwayh | |
"All marasim-e-aza, of either form or type are legal with the condition of being safe from death and comes under the title of sha'a'ir Allah's greatness". | |
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70.Ayatullah Al Uzma Aaqae Haaj Zia Ud Din Iraqi | |
"Bringing the processions out on the road, seena zani, zanjeer zani all are legal with the condition of being safe. Similarly bringing the Zuljinah which causes grief and which is a rite in Najaf Ashraf and other shia cities, likewise Alam e Hazrat Abul Fazlil Abbas (AS) which is the sign of grief and mourning all are lawful". | |
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71.Ayatullah Al Uzma Aaqae Haaj Sheikh Abdul Kareem Ha'eri | |
"All marasim-e-aza, which are in practice in shi'aas since centuries e.g. beating head, bringing the processions out on the roads etc, I don't think that any one would oppose these but with the condition of not using unlawful amoor e.g. Aalat-e-lahw o la'ab. As far as chaqoo zani is concerned if it does not cause death, it is legal, and no one has a right to prevent from it. Rather all marasim-e-aza being performed in the love of Ghareeb-e-Karbala are lawful with the condition not to add any unlawful deed in these". | |
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72.Ayatullah Al Uzma Syed Raza Sadar | |
"the protection of commemoration of Ghareeb-e- Karbala's sacred jehad is from among the most important duties of Muslim Ummah even in the most difficult and hard circumstances. Either this commemoration is in the form of seena zani, zanjeer zani or by holding majalis-e-aza and in the form of Ne'az because the protection of Ashoor day's jehad is the life of Emaan, existence of Islam and guarantee of marfat-e-haqiqia" . | |
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73.Muhaqqiq-e-Aali Qader Philosopher Buzurg Ayatullah Hasan Hasan Zada Aamli | |
"In these sensitive circumstances it is obligatory upon all those people of Muslim Ummah who have adopted Qayaam for Haq that to make their strong endeavors for holding majalis-e-aza and for the revival of Quranic heritage being received by Ahl-e-Bait-e-Ismat-o-Wahi (AS) and for the promotion and development of all marasim-e-aza as was a practice earlier (zanjeer zani, Quma zani, talwar zani and all other marasim-e-aza are in practice since centuries) there are many many reports (rawayaat) which inclined this. So the Islamic sha'a'ir (signs) be protected and ma'arif-e-Haqqa-e-Jafariya be promoted and success in this world and the hereafter be gained". | |
74.Ayatullah al Uzma Sarkar Allama Sheikh Khizer ibne shalaal | |
Ayatullah Khizer is one of Ayatullah Kashif ul Ghita's pupils. Allama Haaj sheikh Aaqae Buzurg Tehrani a greatly respected figure writes in "az-zareea" about Ayatullah khizer that he saw maula-e-Kainaat Hazrat Ali (A.S) in his dream, giving him a pen to hold in his hand. When he woke up he saw the same pen in his hand. He compiled his book 'Abwab ul Jinnan' with the same pen. It is the same book in which he has written his above mentioned fatwa about Azadari. | |
75.Ayatullah sheikh Muhammad Baqir Aashitani | |
Fatwa of Ustaad-ul-Asateza (teacher of the teachers), sheikh-ul-Fuqaha al muta'akhereen late Ayatullah na'eni should be consulted in connection with Majalis-e-Aza of Syed-ush-Shuhada (A.S). | |
76.Ayatullah Muhammad Wasif | |
In my opinion, if the chapter reward for lamentation over Imam Hussain (A.S) in Baharul Anwaar be read, it would be enough for the obligation of Azadari. Azadari is extremely necessary for the protection of this sacrifice (laid down by Imam Hussain(A.S). and this Azadari is the sign of honesty. | |
77.Ayatullah Hussain Waheed Khurasani | |
Azadari and marasim-e-Azadari (Majlis, procession, matam, zanjeer zani and Quma Zani) is the seerat of Aimmah Masumeen (A.S). To mention his (Imam Hussain (A.S)) Faza'il (eulogy) and masa'ib (sufferings) is the revival of the mission of Aal-e-Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon them), istehbab of which is evident from rawayaat-e-mutawatera (reports). | |
78.Ayatullah Ali Panah Ishtehardi | |
This is not amazing that doubts and ambiguities are being created in Azadari and Marasim-e-Aza (mourning rites), and these (doubts) are also getting freshness day by day. To obstruct and hinder in Azadari and marasim-e-Aza is from the branches of Shajar-e-Khabeesa (evil tree ---- Ummayads) which has taken oath to oppose Aal-e-Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon them). Wherever the enemies see that Islam is developing through Azadari and marasim-e-Aza, and people are getting awarness of Aal-e-Muhammad's mazloomiyat, their agents start creating doubts in marasim-e-Aza | |
79.Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, Chief Of Tehreek Nafaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafariya Pakistan | |
" To commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussain Ibne Abi Talib (AS), who was The Representative of Khasaan-e-Khuda, The Successor of Anbia (AS), and The Protector of deen-o-shariat, is the declaration of success of Mohaz-e-Tauheed, challenge of Jehad to polytheism, infidelity, oppression, tyranny, despotism and barbarity, the revival of dawat-e-Tauheed-o-Risaalat-o-Walayat. His objective was universal and high in character restoring supremacy of religion, respect of the humanity, preaching and protecting the message of Tauheed-o- Risaalat and walayat. Karbala is the central point of all movements in action for achievement of independence all around the world. Karbala is the name of giving priority to honourable death over life in humiliation. Islam is an expression of Hussainiyyat while Hussainiyyat that in fact is the message of death for evil forces, is commensurate with Azadari. Azadari is a universal protest of oppressed against oppression. Azadari is our jugular vein; it is the soul of all Ibadaat (worships) while zanjeer zani and quma zani are the soul of Azadari. Any one, who will collide with the strong rock of Azadari, will become unidentified." | |
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The Founder Of Pakistan | |
"The world is unable to present an example finer and brighter than the personality of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) in as much as he was the embodiment of love, valour and personification of sacrifice and devotion. Every Muslim in particular, must learn a lesson from His (AS) life and should seek guidance from Him." | |
Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, The Poet Of The East | |
"Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) uprooted despotism forever till the Day of Resurrection. He watered the dry garden of freedom with the surging wave of His (AS) blood. It is the force of Imam Hussain through which truth is alive and falsehood is eventually disheartened and dying. Hazrat Moosa (Moses) (AS) and Firoan (Pharoah), Hazrat Shabbeer (AS) and Yazid, these two forces (of truth and falsehood) have ever been at loggerheads. I am one who weeps at the plight of the Martyr of karbala, won't the reward be given to me by Saqee'a Kauser (the keeper of kauser)." | |
Abbas Mahmood Al Aqqad, an Egyptian Scholar and Author | |
"There is no family in the world which presented so many martyrs as Hussain's. The number of His companions counted, His might measured, His fame assessed and His family appraised, He stands unique in the history of the world. Being a martyr, the son of a martyr and the father of martyrs, indeed, He (AS) is the Lord of Martyrs." | |
Ghaus Ul Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani | |
"On the day of Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), seventy thousand angels were appointed for mourning the tragedy until Doomsday (Resurrection)." | |
Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauher | |
"The assassination of Hussain (AS) in reality is the death of Yazid ,Islam is revived to life after every Karbala." | |
Kunwar Mehandra Singh Bedi, A Leading Hindu Poet | |
" Every body knows dying after life, but you Hussain (AS) taught us how to live after death" | |
Maulana Maher-ul-Qaderi | |
" Hussain preferred being beheaded in Sajdah (prostration), so that Sajdah (prayer) is never missed (by muslims) in years to come." | |
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Editor Of Zamindar | |
"O'soil of Karbala do not forget the obligation (of having been sacred as), the ody of Hussain(AS), the beloved of Prophet's daughter, had struggled to martyrdom on you , your thirst has been quenched with the blood of Islam ,you have (actually) been satisfied (quenched) by the blood of the vein of the Prophet. Martyrdom of Hussain (AS) will remain presenting this golden principle of freedom of life that one should not submit to Yazidees even his head be cut down and raised to the spear tip." | |
Mahatama Gandhi, The Greatest Freedom Fighter Of India | |
"My admiration for the noble sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS) as a martyr abides, because He accepted death and torture of thirst for himself, for His sons and for his whole family but did not submit to unjust authorities." | |
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehro, The First Prime Minister of India | |
"There is an universal appeal in this martyrdom, Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) sacrificed His all, but he refused to submit to a tyrannical government .He never gave any weight to the fact that His material force was far less in comparison with that of the enemy. The power of faith to Him is the greatest force, which regards all material force as nothing. This sacrifice is a beacon light of guidance for every community and every nation." | |
Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, The Poetess | |
"Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) gave to the world some thirteen hundred years ago a message and way of life, which was unique and perfect and of which we are now celebrating the memory. I do not possess the words nor has any language of the world the eloquence and comprehension, which can serve as the vehicle of expression for the sentiments of reverence, which I entertain in my mind for this magnificent martyr. Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) does not belong only to the Muslims but He is a treasure, common to all the creatures of the Almighty Allah. I congratulate the Muslims that among them has been such a personality, who is acknowledged and revered equally by all the communities of the world." | |
Professor Radha Kumund Mukerjee, Lucknow University | |
"The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS) was for the sake of the good of the whole mankind. There is no other martyr in the whole history of the world, who can compare with Him in the point of exalted excellence." | |
Dr. Amar Nath Jha, Vice Chancellor, Hindu University Banaras | |
"No tragic event of human history can vie with the end of Hazrat Imam Hussain(AS) in point of its heart-rending pat hos, in the field of Karbala." | |
Dr. Rajandra Prassad, Ex-Congress President and Later President of India | |
"The Karbala tragedy is a historical event of human martyrdom of such importance that it can never be forgotten. It shall continue to influence the lives of billions of men and women of the world throughout the ages. The event is commemorated in India with complete reverence, not only Muslims participates in the rites, but also the non- Muslims evince great interest therein equally well." | |
Sir Byramjee Jeejeebhoy, Knight, The Parsi Leader Of India | |
"The sacrifice that Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) gave in the desert of Karbala thirteen hundred years ago is an example to us all, giving us impetus and intuition to do our bit when circumstances, oblige us to face evil against truth. Imam Hussain (AS) with His 72 followers achieved everlasting victory in His defeat, which it is impossible for any great force to acquire at any cost. Imam Hussain (AS) proved to the world for all times that numbers does not count when the real spirit is in action with the definite purpose and determination." | |
Sir William Muir, The Author | |
"The tragedy of Karbala decided not only the fate of the caliphate, but of the Mohammedan kingdom long after the caliphate had waned and disappeared." | |
Thomas Carlyle, The Author | |
"The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is that Hussain (AS) and His (AS) followers were the rigid believers of God ,they illustrated that numerical superiority does not count when it comes to truth and falsehood. The victory of Hussain (AS) despite His minority marvels me." | |
Washington Irving | |
"It was possible for Imam Hussain (AS) to save His life by submitting himself to the will of Yazid. But His (AS) responsibility as a reformer did not allow Him to accept Yazid's caliphate. He therefore prepared to embrace all sorts of discomfort and inconvenience in order to deliver Islam from the hands of the Umayyads. Under the blazing sun, on the parched land and against the stifling heat of Arabia, stood the immortal Hussain (AS)." | |
Edward Gibbon, The Author | |
"In the history of Islam, especially the life of Imam Hussain (AS) stands unique, un approached and unapproachable by any one. Without His martyrdom, Islam would have extinguished long ago. He was the saviour of Islam and it was due to his martyrdom that Islam took such a deep root, which it is neither possible nor even imaginable to destroy now." | |
Charles Dickens | |
"If Imam Hussain (AS) fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not understand why his sister, wives and children accompanied Him. It stands to reason therefore that he sacrificed purely for Islam." | |
DR. K. Sheldrake | |
"Imam Hussain (AS) marched with his little company not to glory, not to power or wealth, but to a supreme and every member of that gallant band, male and female, knew that the foes were implacable, were not only ready to fight but to kill. Denied even water for the children, they remained parched under a burning sun, amid scorching sands yet no one faltered for a moment and bravely faced the greatest odds without flinching." | |
E.G. Browne, The Author | |
"As a reminder, the blood-stained field of Karbala, where the grandson of the Apostle of God fell at length, tortured by thirst and surrounded by the bodies of His murdered kinsmen, has been at any time since then sufficient to evoke, even in the most lukewarm and heedless, the deepest emotion, the most frantic grief and the exaltation of spirit before which pain, danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles. Yearly, on the tenth day of muharram, the tragedy is rehearsed in Persia, in India, in Turkey, in Egypt, wherever a Shiite community or colony exists;... As I write it all comes back; the wailing chant, the sobbing multitude, the white raiment red with blood from self- inflicted wounds, the intoxication of grief and sympathy." | |
Al-Fakhri, World Famous Arab Historian | |
"This is a catastrophe whereof I care not to speak at length, deeming it alike too grievous and too horrible. For verily, it was a catastrophe than that which naught more shameful has happened in Islam…There happened therein such a foul slaughter as to cause man's flesh to creep with horror. And again I have dispersed with my long description because of its notoriety, for it is the most lamented of catastrophes." | |
Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti Ajmeri. | |
"He gave His head, but did not put His hand in to the hands of Yazid. Verily, Hussain (AS) is the foundation of La Ilaha Illa Allah. Hussain (AS) is the king, Hussain (AS) is the emperor, religion is Hussain (AS), and savior of religion is Hussain (AS). There is no Deity except Allah." | |
Allama Syed Azher Hasan Zaidi, Khateeb-e-Aal-e-Muhammad pbuh & his progeny | |
"If there was no Hussain (AS), then there would have been no name of Islam. Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) is the saviour of deen (religion). O Imam Hussain (AS)! You have planted such a garden with your great sacrifices in karbala that humanity would always remain getting fruits from it and the trees of which would remain providing the shelter to the harassed humanity." |