Blood shed for Imam Husain (as)

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Crying Blood for Imam Husain (as) even in Quran!!

فَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاءُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَا كَانُوا مُنْظَرِينَ
"And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them: nor were they given a respite (again)"
Holy Quran Sura Dhukhan, Verse:29  (44:29)

---Tafseer of the above verse in narrations from the Imam's (as)---

Ibrahim Al Nakhai narrates:
عن إبراهيم النَّخعيِّ قال : خرج أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام فجلس في المسجد واجتمع أصحابه حوله وجاءَ الحسين عليه السلام حتّى قام بين يديه فوضع يده على رأسه فقال : يا بني إنَّ الله عَيَّرَ أقواماً بالقُرآن ، فقال : فما بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ السَّماءُ وَالأرضُ وَما كانُوا مُنظَرينَ ، وأيْمُ اللهِ ليَقتلنّك بَعدي ، ثمّ تبكيك السَّماءُ والأرض
The Commander of the Believers (as) came out and sat in the mosque and his companions gathered around him. Then Imam Husain (as) came and stood in front of him.

The Commander of the Believers (as) placed his hand over the head of Husain (as) and said:

O My Son! Allah has degraded some people in the Quran by saying; neither did the heavens weep over them, nor the earth, nor were they granted respite’ (44:29). I swear to Allah that they will kill you after me and then the heavens and the earth will weep over you.
[Note: There are many more narrations which say the same as in this narration]
Source: Kamil Al Ziyarat Chapter.28 Hadees.2    

---How did the heavens and the Earth weep for Imam Husain (as)??---

Narrated from Umar ibn Wahab, from his father, who said:
أخبرنا عُمَرُ بنُ وَهْب ، عن أبيه ، عن عليِّ بن الحسين عليهما السلام قال : إنَّ السّماء لم تبكِ منذ وضعتْ إلاّ على يحيى بن زَكريّا والحسين بن عليِّ عليهم السلام ، قلت : أيّ شيء كان بكاؤها؟ قال : كانت إذا استقبلت بثوب وقع على الثَّوب شبه أثر البراغيث من الدَّم
Ali ibn Husain (as) [Imam Sajjad (as)] said:

The Heavens have never wept over anyone since the day they were created except for Yahya ibn Zakariyya (as) and Husain bin Ali (as).

I asked, “How did the heavens weep?”

Imam (as) replied, “If you would have faced (the wind) with a garment, you would have seen something similar to a red mist of blood on it.

Source: Kamil Al Ziyarat Chapter.28 Hadees.12 

Imam Raza (as) in a long narration to Riyan ibn Shabeeb:

يا ابن شبيب لقد حدثني أبي ، عن أبيه ، عن جده أنه لما قتل جدي الحسين أمطرت السماء دما وترابا أحمر
Imam Raza (as) said, “O Ibn Shabeeb! My father narrated that his father (s) quoted on the authority of his grandfather (s) that when they murdered my grandfather Al-Hussein (s), the heavens cried (dark) red blood and dirt.

Source: Uyun Akhbar Al Riza Vol.1 Pg.299 / Bihar Al Anwar Vol.44 Pg. 286

Dawud bin Farqad narrates:

عن داودَ ابن فَرْقَد قال : سمعت أبا عبدالله عليه السلام يقول : كان الَّذي قَتَلَ الحسينَ بنَ عليٍّ عليهما السلام ولد زنا ، والَّذي قَتل يحيى بن زَكريّا ولد زنا ، وقال : احمرَّتِ السَّماء حين قُتل الحسين بن عليٍّ سنة ، ثمّ قال : بَكتِ السَّماء والأرض على الحسين بن عليٍّ وعلى يحيى بن زَكريّا ، وحُمرتها بُكاؤها

I heard Aba Abdillah (as) [Imam Sadiq (as)] say:

The Killer of Husain ibn Ali (as) was conceived illegitimately and the killer of Yahya ibn Zakariyya (as) was also conceived illegitimately. 
When Husain ibn Ali (as) was killed, the heavens turned red for one year.The heavens and the earth have (only) wept over Husain ibn Ali (as) and Yahya ibn Zakariyya (as) and the heavens weep by becoming red.

Source: Kamil Al Ziyarat Chapter.28 Hadees.21    

Narrated from Ali bin Mus-hir Al Quraishi who said:

عن عليِّ بن مُسْهِر القُرَشيِّ «قال : حدَّثتني جدَّتي أنّها أدركتِ الحسين بن عليٍّ عليهما السلام حين قُتل فمكثنا سنة وتسعة أشهر ، والسّماء مثلُ العَلّقةِ مثلُ الدَّم ، ما ترى الشَّمس

My grandmother told me that she was alive at the time of killing of Husain bin Ali (as).
She said, “The heavens turned red like blood after the killing of Husain (as) for one year and nine months, and we could not (even) see the sun.”

Source: Kamil Al Ziyarat Chapter.28 Hadees.5 

Abi Ma’shar narrates from Al Zuhri who said:

حدَّثني أبو مُعْشر ، عن الزُّهْريّ قال : لمّا قتل الحسين عليه السلام أمطرتِ السّماء دماً . لمّا قتل الحسين عليه السلام لم يبق في بيت المَقْدِس حَصاةٌ إلاّ وجد تحتها دمٌ عَبيط

When Husain (as) was killed, the heavens rained blood, and no stone was removed in Bayt Al-Maqdis without (one) seeing fresh blood under it.

Source: Kamil Al Ziyarat Chapter.28 Hadees.20

12th Imam (atfs) Shedding tears of blood for Imam Husain (as)

Imam of the time, Imam Az Zaman (atfs) himself says the following in Ziyarat-e-Nahiya:

  فَلَئِنْ أَخَّرَتْنِى الدُّهُورُ ، وَ عاقَني عَنْ نَصْرِك َ الْمَقْدُورُ وَ لَمْ أَكُنْ لِمَنْ حارَبَك َ مُحارِباً، وَ لِمَنْ نَصَبَ لَك َ الْعَداوَةَ مُناصِباً ، فَلاََ نْدُبَنَّك َ صَباحاً وَ مَسآءً ، وَ لاََبْكِيَنَّ لَك َ بَدَلَ الدُّمُوعِ دَماً

"Since I haw been pushed behind by the passage of time and being prevented from helping you by fate and I could not fight those who had fought you. And (since) I had rot been able to face your enemies I will continue to weep morning and evening and weep for you with tears of blood."
Source: Ziyarat Al Nahiya.

Blood of Hazrat Adam (as) shed for Imam Husain (as)

وروي مرسلا أن آدم لما هبط إلى الارض لم يرحوا فصار يطوف الارض في طلبها فمر بكربلا فاغتم ، وضاق صدره من غير سبب ، وعثر في الموضع الذي قتل فيه الحسين ، حتى سال الدم من رجله ، فرفع رأسه إلى السماء وقال : إلهي هل حدث مني ذنب آخر فعاقبتني به ؟ فاني طفت جميع الارض ، وما أصابني سوء مثل ما أصابني في هذه الارض .فأوحى الله إليه يا آدم ما حدث منك ذنب ، ولكن يقتل في هذه الارض ولدك الحسين ظلما فسال دمك موافقة لدمه ، فقال آدم : يا رب أيكون الحسين نبيا قال : لا ، ولكنه سبط النبي محمد ، فقال : ومن القاتل له ؟ قال : قاتله يزيد لعين أهل السماوات والارض ، فقال آدم : فأي شئ أصنع يا جبرئيل ؟ فقال : العنه يا آدم فلعنه أربع مرات ومشى خطوات إلى جبل عرفات فوجد حوا هناك

While Adam (as) was roaming in the earth in the search of Hawa, he happen to come to the land of Karbala and his chest starting feeling heavy without any reason and then he reached the place in which Imam Husain (as) was killed, and blood was shed from his leg
He (Adam (as)) raised his head towards the sky and said, “My Allah (swt), have I committed a sin for which you punished me? I have travelled across the earth and the sadness that I felt here, have not felt the same anywhere else on the earth.”

Allah (swt) revealed to him, “O Adam (as), you have not committed any sin. But your son Husain (as) will be unjustly killed on this land and so your blood be shed like his (Imam Husain (as)) blood will be shed.

Adam (as) said, “O My Lord is Husain (as) a Prophet?”
Allah (swt) replied, “No, but he is the son of Prophet Muhammad (saww).”
Adam (as) said, “Who will kill him?”
Allah (swt) replied, “He will be killed by Yazid. Cursed by those in the heaven and the earth.”
Adam (as) said, “What should I do now O Jibraeel?”
Jibraeel said, “Do Lanat (Curse) upon him (Yazid)”.
Adam (as) then cursed him (Yazid) 4 times and then walked steps towards mount Arafat and found Hawa there.
Source: Bihar Al Anwar Vol. 44 Pg.242

Blood of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) shed for Imam Husain (as)

وروي أن إبراهيم عليه السلام مر في أرض كربلا وهو راكب فرسا فعثرت به وسقط إبراهيم وشج رأسه وسال دمه ، فأخذ في الاستغفار وقال : إلهي أي شئ حدث مني ؟ فنزل إليه جبرئيل وقال : يا إبراهيم ما حدث منك ذنب ، ولكن هنا يقتل سبط خاتم الانبياء ، وابن خاتم الاوصياء ، فسال دمك موافقة لدمه .قال : يا جبرئيل ومن يكون قاتله ؟ قال : لعين أهل السماوات والارضين والقلم جرى على اللوح بلعنه بغير إذن ربه ، فأوحى الله تعالى إلى القلم إنك استحققت الثناء بهذا اللعن.فرفع إبراهيم عليه السلام يديه ولعن يزيد لعنا كثيرا وأمن فرسه بلسان فصيح فقال إبراهيم لفرسه : أي شئ عرفت حتى تؤمن على دعائي ؟ فقال : يا إبراهيم أنا أفتخر بركوبك علي فلما عثرت وسقطت عن ظهري عظمت خجلتي وكان سبب ذلك من يزيد لعنه الله تعالى
Once Ibrahim (as) while riding his horse came over the land of Karbala and suddenly his horse fell and Ibrahim (as) fell on his head and blood was shed from his head. He (Ibrahim) started asking for forgiveness and said, “My Allah (swt) what thing that brought this to me?” 

Jibraeel descended to him and said, “O Ibrahim this is not because of your sin. But here will be killed the son of the last of the Prophets (saww) and the son of the last of the Guardians and so your blood be shed like his (Imam Husain (as)) blood will be shed.”

Ibrahim (as) said, “O Jibraeel who is his killer?”

Jibraeel said, “The One who is cursed by those in the heavens and the earths and pen wrote Lanat (against his name) without seeking permission from Allah (swt). And then Allah (swt) revealed to the pen that you deserve praise for this curse that you wrote.
Then Ibrahim (as) raised his said many curses on Yazid and the horse of Ibrahim (as) said ‘Amin’ in an eloquent tone.
Ibrahim (as) asked his horse, “What is that you know that you say ‘Amin’ on my dua (curses).”
The horse replied, “O Ibrahim (as) I am very proud on being your carrier. And when I fell you also fell from my back and I felt very ashamed and the reason for all this is on Yazid, curse of Allah be upon him.

Blood of Hazrat Moosa (as) shed for Imam Husain (as)

وروي أن موسى كان ذات يوم سائرا ومعه يوشع بن نون ، فلما جاء إلى أرض كربلا انخرق نعله ، وانقطع شراكه ، ودخل الخسك في رجليه ، وسال دمه ، فقال : إلهي أي شئ حدث مني ؟ فأوحى إليه أن هنا يقتل الحسين عليه السلام وهنا يسفك دمه ، فسال دمك موافقة لدمه فقال : رب ومن يكون الحسين ؟ فقيل له : هو سبط محمد المصطفى ، وابن علي المرتضى ، فقال : ومن يكون قاتله ؟ فقييل : هو لعين السمك في البحار ، والوحوش في القفار ، والطيرفي الهواء ، فرفع موسى يديه ولعن يزيد ودعا عليه وأمن يوشع بن نون على دعائه ومضى لشأن
Once Moosa (as) was walking and with him was Yusha bin Noon and when they came to the land of Karbala he (Moosa) puncher his shoes and thorns entered into his legs shedding his blood.

He (Moosa) said, “My Allah (swt) what thing that brought this to me?” 

It was revealed to him that here Husain (as) will be killed and his blood will be shed and so your blood be shed like his (Imam Husain (as)) blood will be shed.”
Moosa (as) said, “My Lord who is Husain (as)?”
It was said to him, “He is the son of Muhammad Mustafa (saww) and the son of Ali Al Murtaza (as).
Moosa (as) said, “Who is his killer?”
It was said to him, “He who is cursed by the fishes in the sea and animals in wilderness and the birds in the air.
Then Moosa (as) raised his hands and cursed Yazid and Yusha bin noon said “Amin” and then moved on from there.

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