Attack On Door of Bibi Fatema(s.a)

Posted at  12:54 AM  |  in  Umar

Salman [al-Farsi] after narrating the events of the ritual washing of the Messenger of God (God’s peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) and the sitting of Abu Bakr on the pulpit of the Messenger of God (God’s peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) and the pledge of allegiance by Satan to him [i.e., Abu Bakr] in the shape of an old man and the placing of Fatimah by `Ali on a donkey and taking her to the houses of the Muhājirs [a term used for immigrants from Mecca] and the Anṣār [a term used for the helpers from Medina] and the absence of their support for `Ali and Fatimah, states: `Umar and Abu Bakr and Qonfodh sent a group of people to `Ali’s (God’s peace be upon him) house. `Umar said to them that, “if they gave you permission enter the house, otherwise enter without permission.”

[They went to the house and] Fatimah (God’s peace and blessings be upon her) said to them, “Are you not ashamed of entering my house without my permission.” All of them returned except Qonfodh the accursed. They said, “Fatimah said such and such [narrating what she had told them] and did not give us permission to enter her house.”

`Umar angrily said , “we do not care about what women say.” Then he ordered the people who were with him to gather firewood and bring it to `Ali’s house.

`Umar himself took some firewood. `Ali, Fatimah and their two sons were in the house. `Umar shouted – in a way that `Ali and Fatimah heard him – that by God you have to come out of the house `Ali and pay allegiance to the vicegerent (caliph) of the Messenger of God otherwise I will burn you.

Fatimah (God’s peace be upon her) came out of her room after hearing `Umar [and stood behind the door of the house] and said, “`Umar! What do you want?”

`Umar said, “Open the door or we will set the house on fire.”

Fatimah (God’s peace be upon her) said, “`Umar! Do you not fear God, do you want to attack my house?”

`Umar did not become discouraged from attacking the house of `Ali and Fatimah and ordered that the door of the house to be set on fire. Fatimah cried out, “O my father! O the Messenger of God!”

`Umar hit Fatimah’s side with the sheath of his sword. She cried out, “O my father [the Messenger of God]!”. He [i.e., `Umar] flogged her arm using a whip.

Fatimah (God’s peace be upon her) cried out, “O Messenger of God! [See how much] Abu Bakr and `Umar treated us badly after you.”

`Ali (God’s peace be upon him) came towards `Umar and took a hold of his collar and slammed him to the ground. He wanted to kill him when he remembered the word of the Messenger of God (God’s peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) and said to `Umar, “O son of a jester! If it was not for the covenant of the book of God and the Messenger of God (God’s peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny) you know that you would not dare to enter my house.


Sayyid Husayn Sheikh Islamī. Musnad Fatimah al-Zahra’. Qom: Ansariyan, 1383 H.S., pp.671-673, hadith number 397. Also refer to: Muhammad Bāqir Majlisī. Biḥār al-Anwār. Lebanon: Mo`asseseye al-wafā’ Beirut, 1404 A.H., vol.28, pp. 268-269 and 299 and vol.53, p.17. `Umar himself described this event in a letter to Mu`awiyah and wrote about how he abused and oppressed and attacked Fatima al-Zahra’ (S). Refer to: Muhammad Bāqir Majlisī. Biḥār al-Anwār. Lebanon: Mo`asseseye al-wafā’ Beirut, 1404 A.H., vol.30, p. 293. Also for the attack on the house of Fatima al-Zahra’(S), the breaking of her side bones and the hitting of her with a whip by `Umar refer to: Sulaym ibn Qays al-Hilālī. Kitāb-e-Sulaym ibn Qays al-Hilālī, ed. Muhammad Bāqir al-Anṣārī al-Zanjānī. Qom: Dalīl-e mā, 1424 A.H., pp.148-152; Abdul Karm al-Shahristaī. Al-Milal wa al-Niḥal Beirut: Dāar al-Ma`rifah, 1404A.H., vol.1, p.57; Ibn Qutaybah. Al-Imāmah wa al-Siyasah. Beirut: Dār al-Ma`rifah, vo.1, 19; Mas`udī. Ithbāt al-Waṣīyah. Beirut: Dār al-Aḍwā, p.153; Abdul Husayn Aminī. Al-Ghadīr. Beirut: Dār al-Kitab al-Arabi, 1397 A.H., vol. 6, 391; Ja`far Murtaḍā `Āmilī. Ma’sā al-Zahra. Beirut: Dār al-Sīrah, 1418 A.H., vol. 1, pp.164-193; Muhammad ibn Shahr Ashub. Manāqib Āl-e Abī Ṭālib (AS). Qom: Inteshārāt Allamah, 1379 A.H., vol. 2, p.209; Ya`qūbūī. Tārīkh Ya`qūbūī. Tehran: Sherkat-e Enteshārāt `Ilmī wa Farhangi, 1374 H.S., vol.1, p. 527.

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